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The product LebTown produces isn’t news – it’s trust. Our vision is an informed, connected, and empowered Lebanon County.

In a media landscape rife with misinformation, trust is the key to producing and distributing high-impact journalism in a tight-knit community. Considerations regarding trust are made in every single decision we make as an organization, from what we cover (or don’t cover) and how we frame and report stories, to how we monetize and distribute our content, who we work with, and so much more.

Our core value: Optimize for trust

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The term “free press” is bantered around frequently. But do most know the true impact of what a free press means? Or better yet, what the impact would be if it disappears; especially local press like LebTown.

Local newspapers, since their inception, have been watchdogs over issues that affect the communities they serve. Questioning those who govern in these communities informs the public and helps to safeguard our democratic way of life.

Hedge funds acquisitions of local newspapers have been disastrous to the vitality of a free press by decimating staff which, in turn, limits the ability to report on meetings, whether they be school board, county commissioner, city council, township supervisors and the list goes on. Who will be the watchdog?

I may not agree with the bent LebTown takes at times, but the mere fact that I can disagree and my disagreement will be published strengthens the concept of a free press. Thank you, LebTown for persevering and being the watchdog for Lebanon County.

– Mary Huber

 Make an impact and support expanded coverage of Lebanon County municipal meetings.

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